Carnitrobongen12’s Trivia
This is some trivia about the random knowledge I’ve come to know over the years… See how well you can do…
Geography: What is the largest island off of the
Pacific coast of North America?
What is the fourth largest U.S. state in area?
Which California city without a Spanish name has the
most people?
Chemistry: What element used to be called natrium?
What is the mass of 1 mole of hydrogen gas?
14C decays
into 14N through ____ decay.
Philosophy: Who wrote the Phaedo, Meno, Crito, and Republic?
What was used to kill Socrates?
Who believed that the “forms” were the most
fundamental things?
Biology: Ichthyology is the study of ____.
The deficiency of the hormone _______ is a common
cause of diabetes.
What are the three main taxonomic domains?
Physics: The equations that govern all of
classical electricity and magnetism are known as _______’s Equations.
The equation F = ma is the mathematical
form of ______’s ___ ___.
Being unable to know both the position and momentum of
an electron at a given instant in time is known as the __________ ___________
Math: A function that can be written as
a series of sines and cosines has a _______ series expansion.
What is the value of
[cos(2.6π)]2 + 4[sin(1.3π)cos(1.3π)]2 ?
What is the largest decimal number that can be
represented by a 6 digit binary number?
English: Consider the following sentence: I
gave four quarters to a boy. What is the article of the indirect object?
What is the direct object of the sentence?
What is the infinitive form of the verb used in the
History: In what year did the War of 1812 end?
The United Nations replaced the ______ of ________
after World War II.
What infamous World War II event took place on
December 7, 1941?
Government: Which amendment prohibits “cruel and
unusual” punishment?
What is the minimum number of electoral votes that a
state can have?
How many electoral votes is Washington D.C. entitled
Economics: What kind of market does Russia have?
How many companies comprise the Dow Jones index?
Alan Greenspan is the current Chairman of the _______
_______ Board.
Geology: Gneiss is what kind of rock?
Volcanoes frequently occur near __________ zones,
areas where a tectonic plate is sinking below another.
What is the most abundant element in the earth’s
Astronomy: What color are the hottest stars?
The Galilean moons are __, ______, ________, and
________. ________ is the largest.
Which planet in our solar system is most close in mass
to the earth?
University: In what year was the University of
California founded?
The oldest standing building on the Berkeley Campus is
_____ Hall.
Interests: Herpetology is the study of ________
and __________.
Chlorine radicals destroy the _____ layer through a
_______ _____ reaction.
Hobbies: Rainbow trout are native to
What are the units of fishing line test strength?
TV: What starship class is a) Voyager b) Defiant and c)
The Founders, Vorta and Jem’ Hadar are the three main
species of what galactic power?
Movies: Forrest Gump’s home state is _______.
Zephram Cochran invented ____ _____, the main power
source of Star Trek ships.
Actor: Tom Hanks won his first Oscar for
the movie ___________.
Actresses: Seven of Nine’s human name is ______
Food: Translated literally, ______ means
“burnt bird.”
_____, made from horseradish, is a spicy condiment for
Sports: A standard basketball court is __
feet wide by __ feet long.
The free throw line is __ feet from the basket.
NBA Team: How many championships have the Lakers
franchise won?
How many of them were won while the franchise was in
NBA Players: Vince Carter was drafted out of what
The city of Toronto is located in what
Canadian province?
Colors: For what reason is blue a color of
the University of California?
The gold nugget found at _____’s ____ started
California’s Gold Rush.
Annoyances: The California State Assembly in Sacramento
has how many assemblymembers?
How many senators are there in the California State
U.S. States: The Senate Majority Leader, Tom Daschle,
hails from which state?
The Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, is from
which state?
National Parks: At 282 feet
below sea level, Badwater, located in _____ _____ National Park, is the lowest
point in North America.
What Native American tribe built the cliff dwellings
found in Mesa Verde National Park?
National Monuments: The
Devils Postpile is made primarily of ______, a volcanic rock.
True/False: Death Valley was a National Monument
before a National Park.
Japan: The four main islands of Japan
are: ______, _______, ______, and ________.
What is Japan’s second largest city?