Class Information
Molecular and Cell Biology 102: Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology. A comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of
biological chemistry, including the properties of intermediary metabolites,
the structure and function of biological macromolecules, the logic of metabolic
pathways (both degradative and biosynthetic) and the molecular basis of
genetics and gene expression.
Bioengineering 153: Principles of Bioengineering. Basic
analytical tools and applications in bioengineering. Topics selected from
biomechanics, physiological fluid mechanics, biomaterials, bio-heat transfer,
physiological mass transport, biological network modeling, and physiological
control system.
Chemistry 130A: Biophysical Chemistry. Bioenergetics, equilibrium
and non-equilibrium states, molecular distributions, active and passive
transport, reaction rates and mechanisms, enzyme reactions.
Electrical Engineering 100: Electronic Techniques for Engineering.
Analysis of passive circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, transient
response, operational amplifiers, digital building blocks, digital systems,
microprocessor control, power systems and machines.