May 31, 2003 - CN12 owns MCB130
-7:01 pm: The last of the Spring 2003 semester grades have finally
been posted on BearFacts, and much to my surprise, I actually got an A+
in MCB130!!! Freakin' big surprise considering the final was some pretty
weird shit and that i didn't do so hot on the first midterm. With that
my A+ streak remains intact... I've gotten at least one A+ every semester
here at Cal. Other than that, nothing else exciting going on here... Been
watching a lot of TV, including the Stanley Cup Finals right now (it's game
3 at second intermission) and the National Spelling Bee. These crazy 13
year olds know how to spell shit I've never heard of... actually I knew
how to spell platyhelminth, only 'cause I learned it back in good
ol' Bio1A.
-OK, technically CSS still owns me... this stupid tranparency shit
doesn't work on Mozilla-based browsers. I put in the freakin -moz-opacity
thingy.. but it doesn't f***in' work. So if you use Mozilla or Netscape...
1) screw you... 2) you can't see the Devils Tower. Yay... hockey game
resuming... i'm off for now.
May 29, 2003
- CSS owns me and Media Censorship
-3:46 pm: La de da... putting on the finishing
touches took forever. I took me about 4 hours to figure out how to
properly use CSS to achieve the transparency-look of the cell backgrounds...
I suppose that at least i wasn't bored during those 4 hours trying to
work CSS, just simply frustrated. In other news, research stuff has
been postponed from tomorrow to Monday. Yay... more consecutive days
of boredom. I really wish that Nintendo was really some awesome game
sometime soon so i could at least play something new, but alas no luck...
nothing 'til at least November... NOVEMBER!? dangit
-Media censorship: Today CNN revealed that U.S. commanders
in the early stages of the Iraq War actually came fairly close to
being killed by an Iraqi SCUD. A Patriot missile shot down the SCUD
before it could hit the U.S. command base. CNN agreed to withold information
about the near catastrophe until the major fighting was over (and even then
the major fighting was over quite a long time ago). This makes you
really wonder what else has been hidden from us, and what will never be
revealed. What ever happened to Freedom of the Press? A little Latin:
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges (in war the laws will be
silent). Silence to our Constitution!
-10:30 am: Putting the finishing touches on this new format
for my homepage. I think it looks a lot better... but we'll
see what people say.
May 28, 2003
- Massive Webpage Overhaul
-I began to hate the way my webpage
was set up, so i decided to completely overhaul the design.
Now my lovely blog will appear on the main page along with
some of the useless info that the old page used to have. Begin abuse
of tables!!
-Yesterday I spent
maybe an hour in the morning shooting hoops (and sucking at it)
at the RSF, after which I returned to the apartment contemplating
what the heck to do... TV was the answer for most of the time, outside
of preparing food to eat. One notable highlight was the Mavs' comeback
victory over the Spurs. Dallas was down by 17 late in the third
only to come back brilliantly in the fourth to win by 13. If it only
causes a delay in the Spurs' series victory oh well...
-Today the boredom simply continues...
I woke up to the sounds of hammers pounding away at the outer
wall of the apartment building. Apparently the south wall
of the building was poorly constructed and leaked rainwater during
last winter's storms. Management decided the best thing to do
was to repair the wall by demolishing the outer stucco and replacing
it. This is supposed to be on-going until August 20th. Yay... something
exciting i guess... After waking up, the TV went on almost instantly
and, after much channel-surfing, it came to rest on PBS. So I spent
an hour watching about how to properly punctuate English sentences,
which, oddly enough, is something that I never learned in high
school. Another interesting tidbit about my deficient (at least in
English) high school education is that I never had formal teaching
in English grammar until 12th grade. Yes, twelfth grade, in AP English
Literature no less. Ah... and so after an hour of the show I now
know: that there is a difference between and dash and a hyphen,
that periods and commas always come before ending quotation marks,
that colons and semicolons always come after ending quotation marks,
and that question marks and exclamation points can be before or after
the ending quotation marks depending on context. How useful will this
knowledge be to me in the future? I'll probably forget by tomorrow.
-Today President Bush signed a $300
billion tax cut with the hopes that it will be able to stimulate
the economy. DREAM ON... Heck, President Reagan demonstrated
that tax cutting to stimulate the economy simply doesn't work.
All this tax cut will do will be to increase the ever increasing
budget deficit. Democrats aren't putting up much of a fight and
next year's election looks like a rout for Bush and the Republicans.
May 25, 2003 COE
Graduation and Journey to OAK
-BORING!!!!!!!! Waiting to start
research has been pretty painful. I've been pretty desparate
to do anything outside of watching TV in my apartment. Yesterday
was pretty cool, as I watched the College of Engineering's Class
of 2003 graduate. The whole time I was thinking, hmmmm this will
be me in a year, how scary!!!... After the ceremony I helped pour
champaigne and sparkling apple cider at the Department of Bioengineering
reception, only to return home to yet more boredom. Today I accompanied
my roommate to the airport. Unfortunately it only killed two hours,
although I managed to have a rather interesting conversation
with an 82 year-old man on the way back to Berkeley. After I got home
ate some lunch and thenI watched 3 hours worth of Food Network watching
the same cook cook 6 different things. Now I await dinner, wondering
how boring Memorial Day will be.
May 19, 2003 Restarting the Blog
-Wow... so I've gone over 3 months*
without writing anything in this poor excuse for a blog.
In any case, this is being updated only because I'm freaking
bored now. My last final (a bitch of a test I must say) was today,
while everyone else seems to be just starting, I'm done. I will
not be going home for the summer, because I will be training in
a cell biology lab!
So what has happened in the past
3 months? Obviously a lot... Unfortunately it's so much
that I couldn't possibly write it all down... oh well...